
At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry—20th Anniversary Edition is unavailable, but you can change that!

Is it possible for a Christian man to maintain a pure heart in America’s sexually charged culture? Can he truly honor God with his thought life? The answer is a resounding Yes. At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry is a thorough and incisive examination of sexual sin, revealing its inner workings which the author understands, having lived in the bondage of it himself for over twelve years. Steve...

the necessary commitment to find victory over sin. The place to begin this journey into purity is to better understand the realm where this great struggle must take place. Heart Issue The first thing which must be understood is that Christianity begins and ends in the heart. That is true because every action a person takes can ultimately be traced back to the heart. It also explains why Satan puts such a premium on influencing, clouding, seducing and winning people’s hearts. The heart is primarily
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